Show four in three days. This show was my favorite for a couple reasons.
The crowd was REALLY responsive.
My seat, which I had assumed was on the far right side of the theater turned out to be on an aisle. Across the aisle from me was Nan McCarthy/Diva, who had flown in from CA for a couple shows. Nan and I were very excited about our aisle seats, especially when "One More Minute" began right up until Al started going up the LEFT aisle. Urgh!
Al came all the way up the left aisle, then crossed behind us in between the orchestra and back section of seats, and then started down the right aisle..and walked PAST us a bit to do the "again and again and again..." part. Nan and I exchanged a quick look at each other behind Al's back...just in time for him to spin around, get in my face and ask "OH, CAN'T YA SEE WHAT I'M TRYIN' TO SAY, DARLIN'?" WOO HOO! And Nan got the boxers!
After the show, a bunch of us (Sue, Diva, Connie, snails, Angela, Tera, Sheri, and Carol) decided to hang out in the hotel lobby to see if we could catch up with any band members. Al was still feeling under the weather, so we really didn't expect to see him. But Steve Jay did come over to say hi and chat a little while.
I had to leave early the next morning to get home in time to get errands and stuff run. The band bus was still in the parking lot when I left, so I hope they got to sleep in a bit that morning...and hopefully I'll get a chance to see them again this summer!